Java - Filtering List Entries by Regex

Google's Java library(Guava) has an interface Predicate<T> which might be pretty useful for your case.

static String regex = "yourRegex";

Predicate<String> matchesWithRegex = new Predicate<String>() {
        public boolean apply(String str) {
            return str.matches(regex);

You define a predicate like the one above and then filter your list based on this predicate with a single-line code:

Iterable<String> iterable = Iterables.filter(originalList, matchesWithRegex);

And to convert the iterable to a list, you can again use Guava:

ArrayList<String> resultList = Lists.newArrayList(iterable);

In addition to the answer from Konstantin: Java 8 added Predicate support to the Pattern class via asPredicate, which calls Matcher.find() internally:

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("...");

List<String> matching =

Pretty awesome!

In java 8 you can do something like this using new stream API:

List<String> filterList(List<String> list, String regex) {
    return -> s.matches(regex)).collect(Collectors.toList());