first i need to remove the duplicate entries from the array program in python code example

Example 1: remove duplicates in sorted array python

j = 0

// traverse elements of arr
for i=0 to n-2
    // if ith element is not equal to (i+1)th element of arr, then store ith value in arr[j]
    if arr[i] != arr[i+1]
        arr[j] = arr[i]
        j += 1

// store last value of arr in temp
arr[j] = arr[n-1]
j += 1

// print first j elements of array arr
for i=0 to j-1 
    print arr[i]

Example 2: Remove duplicates from a list (keep first occurrence)

list_rset([], []).                     % keep rightmost occurrences
list_rset([E|Es], Rs0) :-
   if_(memberd_t(E, Es),
       Rs0 = Rs,
       Rs0 = [E|Rs]),
   list_rset(Es, Rs).

list_lset([], []).                     % keep leftmost occurrences
list_lset([E|Es], Ls) :-
   post_pre_lset(Es, [E], Ls).         % uses internal auxilary predicate

post_pre_lset([], _, []).            
post_pre_lset([E|Es], Pre, Ls0) :-     % 2nd arg: look-behind accumulator
   if_(memberd_t(E, Pre),
       Ls0 = Ls,
       Ls0 = [E|Ls]),
   post_pre_lset(Es, [E|Pre], Ls).


Java Example