how to use qt designer with pycharm code example
Example: pycharm qt designer
1. Python 3.7 = C:\Users\x\PycharmProjects\Hello\venv\Scripts\python.exe
2. Pip install following:
a. PyQt5
b. PyQt5-tools
3. Location of QT designer.exe, which is located in - C:\Users\x\PycharmProjects\Hello\venv\Scripts\designer.exe
4. For QT Designer : File -> Settings -> Tools -> External Tools -> create (+)
a. Name : QTdesigner
b. Program : C:\Users\x\PycharmProjects\Hello\venv\Scripts\designer.exe
c. Arguments : NONE
d. Working directory : $ProjectFileDir$
5. For converting UI file to Py file Pyuic : File -> Settings -> Tools -> External Tools -> create (+)
a. Name : PyUIC
b. Program : C:\Users\x\PycharmProjects\Hello\venv\Scripts\pyuic5.exe
c. Arguments : -x $FileName$ -o $FileNameWithoutExtension$.py
d. Working directory : $ProjectFileDir$
6. Click Tools -> External Tools -> QTdesigner
Design your UI and save it as X.ui
7. You will have X.ui located in the Project file,
a. right click on X.ui
b. External Tools -> PyUIC
c. Success
8. You will be able to see file in the projects folder
9. Run
10. You should be able to see your GUI Application.