html button call js function code example

Example 1: how to call a function with a button in javascript

		function myFunction()
<button onclick="myFunction()">Click</button>

Example 2: onclick a tag

<a href='' onclick='return check()'>check</a>

<script type='text/javascript'>
function check() {
    return false;

Example 3: javascript onclick

var myElem = document.getElementByID('ElemID');
myElem.onclick = function() {
	//do stuff

Example 4: javascript onclick button

var button = document.querySelector('button');
button.onclick = function() {
  //do stuff

Example 5: button click function in js


<input type="button" value="Capacity Chart" id="MyButton" >

Example 6: calling function on click html

<img src="hospital.png" id="hospitals" onclick="damarkers();">


Java Example