Java Interop: Apply @JvmName to getters of properties in interface or abstract class

There is a workaround, see:

Simply suppress this INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME error with annotation: @Suppress("INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME")

I think Kotlin has some restriction on using @JvmName on open/override property/function. Prohibiting the use of @JvmName on open/override function can avoid having different jvmName on the interface/superclass and subclass.

In the following example, I am trying to annotate the overrided property getter with a jvmName (hasValueImpl) which is different from the interface (hasValue) and it gives compilation error:

'@JvmName' annotation is not applicable to this declaration

interface Abstract {

    @get:JvmName("hasValue")        //Compile error
    val hasValue: Boolean
        get() = false

open class Impl : Abstract {

    @get:JvmName("hasValueImpl")    //Compile error
    final override val hasValue: Boolean
        get() = false

    @get:JvmName("hasValue2")       //Compile error if hasValue2 is open
    val hasValue2: Boolean
        get() = false

I turns out, this is possible:

interface Foo {
    val bar: String
        @get:JvmName("getAwesomeBar") get

However, it is interesting that this does NOT work:

interface Foo {
    val bar: String

But, this does work:

class Foo {
    val bar: String
        @JvmName("getAwesomeBar") get() = "My bar value"

and this works too!

class Foo {
    val bar: String
        get() = "My bar value"

Why you need to have the extra get: when doing this in interfaces is beyond me. I'm sure there is a reason for it.