java/jackson - chained @JsonValue annotations and deserialization

@JsonValue is for serializing. The analogous annotation for deserializing is @JsonCreator.

Annotate your constructors

public StringWrapper(final String s) {
    this.s = s;


public StringWrapperOuter(final StringWrapper s) {
    this.s = s;

As Sotirios said in a previous answer. The @JsonCreator is the key here. But, in order to get all of the classes to work @JsonProperty might be needed.

public static class POJO {
    protected final List<StringWrapperOuter> data;

    // In order for POJO creation to work properly the @JsonProperty
    // annotation on the arg is required
    public POJO(@JsonProperty("data") final List<StringWrapperOuter> data) { = data;

    public List<StringWrapperOuter> getData() {
        return data;

public static class StringWrapper {
    protected final String s;

    public StringWrapper(final String s) {
        this.s = s;

    public String getS() {
        return s;

public static class StringWrapperOuter {
    protected final StringWrapper s;

    public StringWrapperOuter(final StringWrapper s) {
        this.s = s;

    public StringWrapper getS() {
        return s;