java variab;es code example

Example 1: Variables in java

// static variable in java example
public class StaticVariableExample
   // static variable
   static int a = 0;
   public void add()
   public static void main(String[] args)
      StaticVariableExample obj1 = new StaticVariableExample();
      StaticVariableExample obj2 = new StaticVariableExample();
      // both objects are sharing same copy of static variable
      System.out.println("Object 1 value is: " + a);
      System.out.println("Object 2 value is: " + a);

Example 2: java variables

##	Variable
- Container which holds the value while the Java program is executed. 
- Assigned with a data type. 
- Name of memory location. 

##	There are three types of variables in java: 
1) Local variable 
2) Static (or class) variable 
3) Instance variable


Java Example