jda java color text code example
Example: create embeds jda discord
// Create the EmbedBuilder instance
EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder();
Set the title:
1. Arg: title as string
2. Arg: URL as string or could also be null
eb.setTitle("Title", null);
Set the color
eb.setColor(new Color(0xF40C0C));
eb.setColor(new Color(255, 0, 54));
Set the text of the Embed:
Arg: text as string
Add fields to embed:
1. Arg: title as string
2. Arg: text as string
3. Arg: inline mode true / false
eb.addField("Title of field", "test of field", false);
Add spacer like field
Arg: inline mode true / false
Add embed author:
1. Arg: name as string
2. Arg: url as string (can be null)
3. Arg: icon url as string (can be null)
eb.setAuthor("name", null, "https://github.com/zekroTJA/DiscordBot/blob/master/.websrc/zekroBot_Logo_-_round_small.png");
Set footer:
1. Arg: text as string
2. icon url as string (can be null)
eb.setFooter("Text", "https://github.com/zekroTJA/DiscordBot/blob/master/.websrc/zekroBot_Logo_-_round_small.png");
Set image:
Arg: image url as string
Set thumbnail image:
Arg: image url as string