
You're using both Jersey 1 & 2 (Jersey 1 is an explicit dependency, Jersey 2 is a transitive dependency of jersey-test-framework-provider-jdk-http) and that's not possible - so the classloader is picking up the wrong URIBuilder class.

The Jersey dependencies in group com.sun.jersey are all Jersey version 1. Jersey version 2 uses the group org.glassfish.jersey.

You have both in your Maven dependencies which is causing this problem.

If possible only use Jersey 2.

This can also be caused by including both




com.sun.jersey artifacts include a version (1.0) of the namespace so it's the only one that's likely needed. rs-api also includes a version of JAX-RS (2.0) in the same namespace, so when you have the two together, but they're different versions it can cause the conflict you see.

This can be caused by having "any" conflict that provides both JAX-RS 1.0 and JAX-RS 2.0. JAX-RS 1.0 is frequently provided by the com.sun.jersey:jersey* artifacts (specifically jersey-core), and JAX-RS 2.0 is provided by any of the org.glassfish.jersey.core:jersey* artifacts, or the artifact, or possibly the javax:javaee-api artifact, or the jsr311-api-1.0 artifact.

The problem is that since they are different group+artifact names, maven by default will unknowingly include both 1.0 and 2.0 version jars into your final distro.

Further complicating the problem is that since there are multiple conflicting jars in the classpath, "sometimes" it might work, and then "sometimes" it might not (hence some reports of "it worked with tomcat7, but fails with tomcat8" etc.)

Further complicating the problem is that if you have even a single dependency that transitively depends on any of the above, then maven will bring in both versions and you're hosed. You can find what's coming from where with mvn dependency:tree

So you have to either go to "all 1.0" or "all 2.0." In our case we went with all 1.0 by adding some transitive dependency exclusions to our pom. If you want to go all 2.0 see here.

I solve this problem: I delete the library JAX-RS 2.0, I add the libraries jersey-server-1.8.jar,jersey-core-1.8.jar,jersey-servlet-1.12.jar and asm-3.3.1.jar