java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils from BaseClassLoader

I received the same error, I added to my pom.xml file the following lines and worked fine after maven install:


        <!-- commons lang dependency -->


In case you use maven and Ubuntu 14.04:

This can be caused by the maven version included in Ubuntu 14.04, and the workaround is to download the maven tarball from and use that version instead of the default version provided by the distribution.

More information:

EDIT: You can also add a symlink to commons-lang.jar to avoid having to do a custom install (Source and @Shoham in the comments)

cd /usr/share/maven/lib
sudo ln -s ../../java/commons-lang.jar .

Verify that the paths are correct on your system before attempting. They should work for Ubuntu 14.04 OOTB, but always verify.

Your code seems to be using apace-commons-lang package . Do add the jar from here Chek for the version you are using. Add the jar to your lib folder/classpath.