java.lang.Exception: No tests found matching Method using Intellij IDEA

Well, after "playing" a bit with run configurations of each unit test I noticed that each Run Config has a Build goal preset in the Before Launch option (See pic below): enter image description here

After changing Build to Build Project the tests run fine.

The same issue i got with Gradle (4.5+) + new Build Cache feature

Sometimes it's unable to find new test methods and throws exception (like you mentioned in topic)

Solution: clean .gradle, build and out directories and try again ;)

If you're using a theory testing framework like Junit's or Robolectric's, make sure to run the class containing the test you want, instead the test itself. Since these frameworks use the test methods as instance methods instead of static methods, any testing framework looking for a normal public static test won't find anything.

If you originally run a test named "foo", and then rename it to "fooBar", you must subsequently run "fooBar" with a new Run Configuration.

If you use the same original Run Configuration for "foo" to run "fooBar", it still looks for a test named "foo" which it does not find (thus the Exception) because it was renamed to "fooBar". The new Run Configuration would correctly look for "fooBar" test.

I made this mistake unknowingly because I renamed a test, but then just clicked the green run button in IntelliJ: Doing that runs the last Run Configuration, which in this scenario has the old "foo" name.