java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/support/v4/os/BuildCompat
You are getting NoClassDefFoundError & ClassNotFoundException
NoClassDefFoundError in Java comes when Java Virtual Machine is not able to find a particular class at runtime which was available at compile time.
You are using Eclipse. Android Studio is a far simpler way to develop for Android if you manage to get the hang of it. For developers who have been using Eclipse, migrating to Studio is a nightmare for them. Eclipse is dead (My personal opinion).
For your NoClassDefFoundError problem goto rebuild option under Project > Clean
and then select the project you want to clean up .Then Restart your Eclipse and run again .
Check your classpath contains that jar (AppCompat), if your classpath doesn't contain the jar then just add that class in your classpath.
You should Use Android Studio instead of Eclipse . Read
- Support Library Features
The Gradle build script dependency identifier for this library is as follows:
Then Clean-Rebuild-Restart IDE
In my case
- clean project
- invalidate and restart
it's work
Another ugly reason for this to be caused is if you're trying to attach a debugger with breakpoint on something that happens during Activity creation.