process of reading and writing text file in c code example

Example 1: write in file in c

int main(){
	FILE *out=fopen("name_of_file.txt","w");
	fputs("Hello File",out);
	return 0;

Example 2: c program to read and write to a file

/*Program to read from file using getc() function*/
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
 FILE *fp;
 char ch;
 /*Open file in read mode*/
 fp= fopen ('example.txt', 'r');
 while( (ch = getc(fp)) != EOF) {
  /*getc() function reads a character and its value is stored in variable 'ch' until EOF is encountered*/
  printf('%ch', ch);
  return 0;

Example 3: how to create a file in c

 * C program to create a file and write data into file.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define DATA_SIZE 1000

int main()
    /* Variable to store user content */
    char data[DATA_SIZE];

    /* File pointer to hold reference to our file */
    FILE * fPtr;

     * Open file in w (write) mode. 
     * "data/file1.txt" is complete path to create file
    fPtr = fopen("data/file1.txt", "w");

    /* fopen() return NULL if last operation was unsuccessful */
    if(fPtr == NULL)
        /* File not created hence exit */
        printf("Unable to create file.\n");

    /* Input contents from user to store in file */
    printf("Enter contents to store in file : \n");
    fgets(data, DATA_SIZE, stdin);

    /* Write data to file */
    fputs(data, fPtr);

    /* Close file to save file data */

    /* Success message */
    printf("File created and saved successfully. :) \n");

    return 0;

Example 4: c open a file and write stuff

FILE *fopen( const char * filename, const char * mode );


Java Example