Java Reflection Beans Property API

You question is very unclear, but if I get it:

Yes. The java.beans package has the so called Introspector. There you can read the properties of a bean.

BeanInfo info = Introspector.getBeanInfo(Bean.class);
PropertyDescriptor[] pds = info.getPropertyDescriptors();

You can find the desired PropertyDescriptor by its name and you can call getReadMethod().invoke(..)

What you need is the BeanInfo / Introspector mechanism (see Bozho's answer). However, it's hell to use this directly, so you can use one of the Libraries that offer property-based access. The best-known is probably Apache Commons / BeanUtils (another one is Spring's BeanWrapper abstraction)

Example code:

A someBean = new A();

// access properties as Map
Map<String, Object> properties = BeanUtils.describe(someBean);
BeanUtils.populate(someBean, properties);

// access individual properties
String oldname = BeanUtils.getProperty(someBean,"name");