Java: Unique 10 digit ID

This is a small enhancement to yours but should be resilient.

Essentially, we use the current time in milliseconds unless it hasn't ticked since the last id, in which case we just return last + 1.

private static final long LIMIT = 10000000000L;
private static long last = 0;

public static long getID() {
  // 10 digits.
  long id = System.currentTimeMillis() % LIMIT;
  if ( id <= last ) {
    id = (last + 1) % LIMIT;
  return last = id;

As it is it should manage up to 1000 per second with a comparatively short cycle rate. To extend the cycle rate (but shorten the resolution) you could use (System.currentTimeMillis() / 10) % 10000000000L or (System.currentTimeMillis() / 100) % 10000000000L.

private static AtomicReference<Long> currentTime = new AtomicReference<>(System.currentTimeMillis());

public static Long nextId() {
    return currentTime.accumulateAndGet(System.currentTimeMillis(), (prev, next) -> next > prev ? next : prev + 1) % 10000000000L;

This may be a crazy idea but its an idea :).

  • First generate UUID and get a string representation of it with java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString()
  • Second convert generated string to byte array (byte[])

  • Then convert it to long buffer: java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap( byte digest[] ).asLongBuffer().get()

  • Truncate to 10 digits

Not sure about uniqueness of that approach tho, I know that you can rely on uniqueness of UUIDs but haven't checked how unique are they converted and truncated to 10 digits long number.

Example was taken from JavaRanch, maybe there is more.

Edit: As you are limited to 10 digits maybe simple random generator would be enough for you, have a look into that quesion/answers on SO: Java: random long number in 0 <= x < n range


