java.util.Date - Deleting three months from a date?

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.setTime(new Date());
cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, -3);

Set your date using setTime method.

Here's the plain JDK version, it needs the Calendar class as a helper:

Date referenceDate = new Date();
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); 
c.add(Calendar.MONTH, -3);
return c.getTime();

But you should seriously consider using the Joda library, because of various shortcomings of the Date and Calendar classes. With Joda you can do the following:

new DateTime().minusMonths(3).toDate();

Or if you want to subtract from a given date instead of the current:

new DateTime(referenceDate).minusMonths(3).toDate();

Update for Java 8: With Java 8 you can also use the new JSR 310 API (which is inspired by Joda):


I always recommend Joda for this sort of stuff. It has a much nicer API, and doesn't suffer from threading issues that the standard Java date/time has (e.g. issues with SimpleDateFormat, or general mutability).


DateTime result = dt.minusMonths(3);

Using Java 8 you can do it like this,

Date d = Date.from(;

The LocalDate class has a lot of methods to help you make easy computations about dates like the above,

// Add 2 months
Date d = Date.from(;
// Add 5 days
Date d = Date.from(;
// Minus 1 day and 1 year
Date d = Date.from(;

In order to compute time you can use the LocalDateTime class,

// Minus 1 year, minus 1 days, plus 1 hour
Date d = Date.from(;

