Javadoc Inserting UML Diagrams
This article shows how to use UMLGraph with Maven Javadoc plugin.
In short:
Install GraphViz.
apt-get install graphviz4
Windows: download.Update pom.xml.
<plugin> <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.7</version> <configuration> <aggregate>true</aggregate> <show>private</show> <doclet>org.umlgraph.doclet.UmlGraphDoc</doclet> <docletArtifact> <groupId>org.umlgraph</groupId> <artifactId>doclet</artifactId> <version>5.1</version> </docletArtifact> <additionalparam> -inferrel -attributes -types -visibility -inferdep -quiet -hide java.* -collpackages java.util.* -qualify -postfixpackage -nodefontsize 9 -nodefontpackagesize 7 </additionalparam> </configuration> </plugin>
mvn javadoc:javadoc
Check out this section of the Javadoc documentation, which explains how to embed images in your Javadoc.
Also, here is an article describing how to reverse engineer UML diagrams and embed them in your Javadoc using UMLGraph.
The documentation explains how to embed arbitrary images to javadoc documentation.
If you want to generate UML class diagrams from your Java source, have a look at the UMLGraph doclet.