Javascript - AJAX request inside loops

Very interesting methods provided by jQuery when you are executing loops of asyncroniouse request and detect all ajax request completed or not. It is possible by using

var users=["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h"];

var async_request=[];
var responses=[];
for(i in users)
    // you can push  any aysnc method handler
        url:'', // your url
        method:'post', // method GET or POST
        data:{user_name: users[i]},
        success: function(data){
            console.log('success of ajax response')

$.when.apply(null, async_request).done( function(){
    // all done
    console.log('all request completed')

Here $.when provides a way to execute callback functions based on zero or more objects, usually Deferred objects that represent asynchronous events.

apply() converts array elements as different arguments in function

$.done is call function after all async. request are completed.

Don't do it synchronously. Use the callback. Here is a demo for you:

<ul class="quoteList"></ul>
<input type="button" onclick="getData();" value="Go Get It!">

var counter = 0;

    /* This IF block has nothing to do with the OP. It just resets everything so the demo can be ran more than once. */
    if (counter===5) {
        counter = 0;

        /* The URL is not longer valid, I found a new one that is similar... */
        async: true,
        dataType: 'jsonp',
            $('.quoteList').append('<li>' + data.quote +'</li>');
            if (counter < 5) getData();

Setting async to false blocks the main thread (responsible for executing JavaScript, rendering the screen, etc) and waits for the XHR to complete.

This is almost always a terrible idea. Users don't like unresponsive UIs. (

Just search stackoverflow for ajax async: false and you will find MANY good explanations on this. Everyone will discourage you from using async:false. Here's is a great explanation: