array methods javascript cheat sheet code example

Example 1: list of javascript cheat sheet

.every(n => ...) => Boolean // ie9+
.some(n => ..) => Boolean   // ie9+

Example 2: list of javascript cheat sheet

list.splice(2, 1, X)    // list == [a,b,X,d,e]

Example 3: list of javascript cheat sheet

list.push(X)            // list == [_,_,_,_,_,X]
list.unshift(X)         // list == [X,_,_,_,_,_]
list.splice(2, 0, X)    // list == [_,_,X,_,_,_]

Example 4: list of javascript cheat sheet

list = [a,b,c,d,e]

Example 5: list of javascript cheat sheet

re = list.splice(1)     // re = [b,c,d,e]  list == [a]
re = list.splice(1,2)   // re = [b,c]      list == [a,d,e]

Example 6: list of javascript cheat sheet

.map(n => ...)   // ie9+
.reduce((total, n) => total) // ie9+