arrows function javascriptt code example
Example 1: arrow function in javascript
function PrintName(name){
console.log("my name is ", name) ;
const PrintName = (name) => {
return console.log("my name is " , name) ;
Example 2: arrow function javascript
let myFunction = (arg1, arg2, ...argN) => expression
let myFunction = (arg1, arg2, ...argN) => {
let hello = (arg1,arg2) => "Hello " + arg1 + " Welcome To "+ arg2;
Example 3: arrow func in javascript
const greet = (who) => {
return `Hello, ${who}!`;
greet('Eric Cartman');
Example 4: how to make javascript function consise
multiplyfunc = (a, b) => { return a * b; }
Example 5: arrow function javascript
function (param) {
var a = param * 3;
return a;
(a, b) => {
let c = (a * b) + 3;
return c;