call bind and apply difference code example

Example 1: difference between call apply bind in javascript

// call method calls a function with provided this reference and arguments
var person = {
  name: 'Default',
  fullName: function(city, country) {
    return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName + " lives in " + city + ", " + country

person1 = {
  firstName: 'Jerry',
  lastName: 'Seinfeld',

person2 = {
  firstName: 'Michael',
  lastName: 'Scott'

 * call and apply takes this reference of any object, with
 * a difference
 * [a]pply takes (a for array of arguments)
 * [c]all takes (c for comma separated arguments)
 * bind on the other hand also takes this reference of any object
 * but returns a new function that can be called.
 * bind also takes comma separated arguments or the arguments can
 * be passed to the returned function.
 * Examples:
console.log(person.fullName.apply(person1, ["New York", "USA"]));
console.log(person.fullName.apply(person2, ["Scranton", "USA"]));
console.log(, "New York", "USA"));
console.log(, "Scranton", "USA"));
var fullNameFunction1 = person.fullName.bind(person1);
var fullNameFunction2 = person.fullName.bind(person2);


console.log(fullNameFunction1 === fullNameFunction2);

console.log(fullNameFunction1("New York", "USA"));
console.log(fullNameFunction1("Scranton", "USA"));
var fullNameFunction1NoArgs = person.fullName.bind(person1, "New York", "USA");
var fullNameFunction2NoArgs = person.fullName.bind(person2, "Scranton", "USA");

Example 2: call() vs apply() vs bind()

Differentce between .bind() , .call() and .apply()

.bind(someobj) -> does not invoke the function, it just allows you to 
bind whatever object you want, you have to call the function yourself.

.call(someobj) and .apply(someobj)-> both invoke the function 
immediately,and modify the context. 
The only difference is how you pass your
own arguments. See below

.call(someobj, param1, param2)
.apply(someobj, [param1, param2]) //uses array to pass the args

Example 3: javascript call() & apply() vs bind()?

Apply vs. Call vs. Bind Examples


var person1 = {firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Kuperman'};
var person2 = {firstName: 'Kelly', lastName: 'King'};

function say(greeting) {
    console.log(greeting + ' ' + this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName);
}, 'Hello'); // Hello Jon Kuperman, 'Hello'); // Hello Kelly King


var person1 = {firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Kuperman'};
var person2 = {firstName: 'Kelly', lastName: 'King'};

function say(greeting) {
    console.log(greeting + ' ' + this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName);

say.apply(person1, ['Hello']); // Hello Jon Kuperman
say.apply(person2, ['Hello']); // Hello Kelly King


var person1 = {firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Kuperman'};
var person2 = {firstName: 'Kelly', lastName: 'King'};

function say() {
    console.log('Hello ' + this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName);

var sayHelloJon = say.bind(person1);
var sayHelloKelly = say.bind(person2);

sayHelloJon(); // Hello Jon Kuperman
sayHelloKelly(); // Hello Kelly King

Example 4: js call and apply[thisArg[, arg1, arg2, ...argN]])