change data send in ajax call jquery code example

Example 1: how to set json type jquery ajax

    type: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json",
    url: 'http://localhost:16329/Hello',
    data: { name: 'norm' },
    dataType: "json"

Example 2: ajax exmaple\

    url:'your url',
    type: 'POST',  // http method
    data: { myData: 'This is my data.' },  // data to submit
    success: function (data, status, xhr) { // after success your get data
        $('p').append('status: ' + status + ', data: ' + data);
    error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorMessage) { // if any error come then 
            $('p').append('Error' + errorMessage);