Circular Queue in javascript code example

Example: Circular Queue in javascript

class CircularQueue { constructor(size) {  this.element = [];  this.size = size  this.length = 0  this.front = 0  this.back = -1 }isEmpty() {  return (this.length == 0) }enqueue(element) {  if (this.length >= this.size) throw (new Error("Maximum length exceeded"))  this.back++   this.element[this.back % this.size] = element  this.length++ }dequeue() {  if (this.isEmpty()) throw (new Error("No elements in the queue"))  const value = this.getFront()  this.element[this.front % this.size] = null  this.front++  this.length--  return value }getFront() {  if (this.isEmpty()) throw (new Error("No elements in the queue"))  return this.element[this.front % this.size] }clear() {  this.element = new Array()  this.length = 0  this.back = 0  this.front = -1 }}