components react native code example

Example 1: react native routes

import { createSwitchNavigator } from 'react-navigation';// create switch navigation with authentication flow and main appconst SwitchNavigator = createSwitchNavigator(  {    Login: AuthNavigator,    App: AppNavigator  },  {    initialRouteName: 'Login'  });const App = () => (  <SwitchNavigator />);export default App;

Example 2: core components of api

1-An action showing HTTP methods like
2-Uniform Resource Identifier (URI),
 which is the identifier for the resource on the server.
3-HTTP Version, which indicates HTTP
version, for example-HTTP v1.1.
4-Request Header, which carries metadata
(as key-value pairs) for the HTTP Request message.
Metadata could be a client (or browser) type,
  format supported by the client, format 
of a message body format,
  cache settings, and so on.
5-Request Body, which indicates the
message content or resource representation.

Example 3: react native components

/* Answer to: "react native components" */

  To learn about Native Components in React.js go to:
  However, if you want to find Native Component Libraries in
  React.js go to:

Example 4: components react to hooks

import React, { useState } from 'react';
function Example() {
  // Declare a new state variable, which we'll call "count"  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
  return (
      <p>You clicked {count} times</p>
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>
        Click me