javascript convert string to safe class name for css
I use this for my selectors, IDs or classes names:
String.prototype.safeCSSId = function() {
return encodeURIComponent(this)
.replace(/\.|%[0-9a-z]{2}/gi, '');
console.log("The dæmon is in the detail.".safeCSSId());
I would replace anything that is not a lowercase letter or digit, and then I would add a special prefix to avoid collisions with class names you have used for other purposes. For example, here is one possible way:
function makeSafeForCSS(name) {
return name.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/g, function(s) {
var c = s.charCodeAt(0);
if (c == 32) return '-';
if (c >= 65 && c <= 90) return '_' + s.toLowerCase();
return '__' + ('000' + c.toString(16)).slice(-4);
// shows "prefix_c_a_p_s-numb3rs-__0024ymbols"
alert("prefix" + makeSafeForCSS("CAPS numb3rs $ymbols"));
You can try the urlify.js
from django.
Get it from:
If you mean the following symbols
then just replace them with nothing:
names = names.replace(/[!\"#$%&'\(\)\*\+,\.\/:;<=>\?\@\[\\\]\^`\{\|\}~]/g, '');
(I may have added an extra, or not enough, escape characters in there)
Here is a quick demo.
But just so you know, not all of those symbols are "unsafe", you could just escape the symbol when targeting the class name (ref).