currying es6 code example

Example 1: currying in javascript

//No currying
function volume(w, h, l) {
  return w * h * l;

volume(4, 6, 3); // 72

function volume(w) {
  return function(h) {
    return function(l) {
      return w * h* l;

volume(4)(6)(3); // 72

Example 2: currying javascript

// It is also called nested function is ecmascript
const multiply = (a) => (b) => a*b;
multiply(3)(4); //Answer is 12

const multipleBy5 = multiply(5);
multipleBy5(10); //Answer is 50

Example 3: currying in javascript

Uses of currying function
  a) It helps to avoid passing same variable again and again.

  b) It is extremely useful in event handling. 


     function Myfunction(a) {
        return (b) => {
           return (c) => {
             return a * b * c