delete method in api testing code example
Example 1: elasticsearch api code call using highlevelrestclient
Request request = new Request("GET", "/_cluster/health");
request.addParameter("wait_for_status", "green");
Response response = client.getLowLevelClient().performRequest(request);
ClusterHealthStatus healthStatus;
try (InputStream is = response.getEntity().getContent()) {
Map<String, Object> map = XContentHelper.convertToMap(XContentType.JSON.xContent(), is, true);
healthStatus = ClusterHealthStatus.fromStringString) map.get("status";
if (healthStatus != ClusterHealthStatus.GREEN) {
Example 2: redux action to hit api and assign data in stateless component
export function fetchProducts() {
return dispatch => {
return fetch("/products")
.then(res => res.json())
.then(json => {
return json.products;
.catch(error => dispatch(fetchProductsFailure(error)));
function handleErrors(response) {
if (!response.ok) {
throw Error(response.statusText);
return response;