delete response code code example
Example 1: http status codes for delete
A successful response of DELETE requests SHOULD be HTTP response code 200 (OK) if the response includes an entity describing the status, 202 (Accepted) if the action has been queued, or 204 (No Content) if the action has been performed but the response does not include an entity.
Example 2: http request methods in api
HTTP request method is made up of five components:
Request Method ==> Get, Post, Put, Delete (these are
the common ones)
Request URL ==> the URL of the resource
Request Header ==> Accept-Language, AcceptEncoding, User-Agent, Host
Request Body ==> This is the data to be sent to the
Request Query Parameters : key value pair
HTTP response method is made up of three components:
Response Status Code ==> 200, 301, 404, 500
(these are the most common ones)
Response Header Fields ==> Date, Server, LastModified, Content-Type
Response Body ==> This is the data that comes
back to the client from the server.