drawer screen options react navigation to hide it code example

Example 1: hide screen links in drawerNavigation in react native

//custom drawer content
export default props => {
    const { state, ...rest } = props;
    const newState = { ...state}  //copy from state before applying any filter. do not change original state
    newState.routes = newState.routes.filter(item => item.name !== 'Login') //replace "Login' with your route name

    return (
         <DrawerContentScrollView {...props}>
             <DrawerItemList state={newState} {...rest} />

Example 2: hide screen links in drawerNavigation in react native

import { DrawerItems } from 'react-navigation';

const visibleItems = ['HomeScreen', 'SettingsScreen', 'HelpScreen'];

const getVisible = item => contains(item.key, visibleItems);

const getFilteredAndStyledItems = ({ items, ...other }) => (
    items={filter(getVisible, items)}