Javascript ES6 - Enums inside classes used outside like a static enum

You can achieve static data properties in multiple ways:

Use assignment:

const STATES = {
  WIP: "Work in progress",
  ONLINE: "Online",
  ONLINE_MODIFIED: "Online, modified",
  HIDDEN: "Hidden"

class Box {};

console.log(Box.STATES.WIP); // Work in progress is the output

Use Object.defineProperty:

When you use Object.defineProperty you could make it read-only

const STATES = {
  WIP: "Work in progress",
  ONLINE: "Online",
  ONLINE_MODIFIED: "Online, modified",
  HIDDEN: "Hidden"

class Box {};

Object.defineProperty(Box, 'STATES', {
  value: STATES,
  writable: false, // makes the property read-only

console.log(Box.STATES.WIP); // Work in progress is the output

Use static getter:

You can use ES6 static getter syntax to add the property in the class definition. You can make it read-only too defining just the getter.

const STATES = {
  WIP: "Work in progress",
  ONLINE: "Online",
  ONLINE_MODIFIED: "Online, modified",
  HIDDEN: "Hidden"

class Box {
  static get STATES() {
    return STATES;

console.log(Box.STATES.WIP); // Work in progress is the output

All that being said, I agree with n00dl3. If you are using ES6 modules, using a named export seems more appropiate:

export const BOX_STATES = {
  WIP: "Work in progress",
  ONLINE: "Online",
  ONLINE_MODIFIED: "Online, modified",
  HIDDEN: "Hidden"

export default class Box {};

So you can import it like this:

import { BOX_STATES } from './path-to-box';

console.log(BOX_STATES.WIP); // Work in progress is the output

If you don't need pure ES6 and can use Typescript, please prefer it. Typescript has a nice ENUM with export options


export enum STATES
        WIP = "Work in progress",
        ONLINE = "Online",
        ONLINE_MODIFIED = "Online, modified",
        HIDDEN = "Hidden"

export class SocialMedia
    static state: STATES = STATES.HIDDEN;

SocialMedia.state = STATES.WIP;


Work in progress

like this :

export class Foo{}

but exporting a const seems more appropriate...

export const FOO={BAR:"bar"};