find vowel in string in javascript code example

Example 1: find the vowel js

function vowel_count(str1)
  var vowel_list = 'aeiouAEIOU';
  var vcount = 0;
  for(var x = 0; x < str1.length ; x++)
    if (vowel_list.indexOf(str1[x]) !== -1)
      vcount += 1;
  return vcount;
console.log(vowel_count("The quick brown fox"));

Example 2: vowel check in javascript

// check the word is vowel or not
let words = "aeiou";

let newWords = "";

function isVowelOrNot(words) {
   for (let word of words) {
      if (
         word === "a" ||
         word === "e" ||
         word === "i" ||
         word === "o" ||
         word === "u"
      ) {
         newWords = newWords + word;
   if (newWords === words) {
      return true;
   } else {
      return false;

let result = isVowelOrNot(words);