flutter firebase database medium code example

Example 1: flutter firebase database medium

FirebaseDatabase.reference().child('recent').child('id').update({'title':'sadab is amazing'   //yes I know.});

Example 2: flutter firebase database medium

//remove() is equivalent to calling set(null)recentJobRef.child('id').remove();

Example 3: flutter firebase database medium

//database referene.var recentJobsRef =  recentJobsRef = FirebaseDatabase.instance.reference().child('recent').orderByChild('created_at')  //order by creation time..limitToFirst(10);           //limited to get only 10 documents.//Now you can use stream builder to get the data.StreamBuilder(stream: recentJobsRef.onValue,builder: (context, snap) {if (snap.hasData && !snap.hasError && snap.data.snapshot.value!=null) { //taking the data snapshot.DataSnapshot snapshot = snap.data.snapshot;List item=[];List _list=[];//it gives all the documents in this list._list=snapshot.value; //Now we're just checking if document is not null then add it to another list called "item".//I faced this problem it works fine without null check until you remove a document and then your stream reads data including the removed one with a null value(if you have some better approach let me know)._list.forEach((f){if(f!=null){item.add(f);     }    }  );return snap.data.snapshot.value == null//return sizedbox if there's nothing in database.? SizedBox()//otherwise return a list of widgets.: ListView.builder(scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,itemCount: item.length,itemBuilder: (context, index) {return _containerForRecentJobs(item[index]['title']);},);} else {return   Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());}},),

Example 4: flutter firebase database medium

//you can use "push" if you want an automated id, I'm giving my document id here.FirebaseDatabase.instance.reference().child('recent').child('id').set({'title': 'Realtime db rocks','created_at': time});