Javascript form.submit() not working in Firefox

I had similar behaviour, when form.submit() didn't work on Firefox, but worked on other browsers. Just make sure that all the buttons within form contain type="button".

Firefox expects that, when you submit a form, you have at least a submit button available, meaning there should be something like:

<button type="submit">Click me</button>


<input type="submit" value="Click me" />

When you use the first one in your code, it will not work (because you strip out all buttons before submitting the form). When you use the second option, it will work, also in Firefox. As you can see in this fiddle:

For anyone having an issue with making the Firefox submit with the page location changing / reloading afterwards, you need to put your redirect code in the $.post callback:

    $.post("submit.php", {data: textData}, function(){
    return false;