get latitude and longitude flutter code example

Example 1: flutter geolocator web

@JS('navigator.geolocation') // navigator.geolocation namespace
 library jslocation; // library name can be whatever you want

 import "package:js/js.dart";

@JS('getCurrentPosition') // Accessing method getCurrentPosition 
from       Geolocation API
external void getCurrentPosition(Function success(GeolocationPosition pos));

class GeolocationCoordinates {
  external double get latitude;
  external double get longitude;
  external double get altitude;
  external double get accuracy;
  external double get altitudeAccuracy;
  external double get heading;
  external double get speed;

external factory GeolocationCoordinates(
  {double latitude,
  double longitude,
  double altitude,
  double accuracy,
  double altitudeAccuracy,
  double heading,
  double speed});

class GeolocationPosition {
external GeolocationCoordinates get coords;

external factory GeolocationPosition({GeolocationCoordinates 




 import 'package:Shared/locationJs.dart';

  success(pos) {
     try {
       } catch (ex) {
        print("Exception thrown : " + ex.toString());

  _getCurrentLocation() {
      if (kIsWeb) {
        getCurrentPosition(allowInterop((pos) => success(pos)));

Example 2: get my location in flutter

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />