global vs local variables code example
Example 1: global vs local variables
# in functions we use Global vs Local variables
# Global means as the name suggests it's Global (accessed anywhere in file)
def player_health():
# Local variable
# Local variables can't be accessed outside of a function
player_health = 78
# error
# Global Variables
player_strength = 2
def increase_strength():
player_strength = 3 # this will give you an error because the player_strength
# is defined in the global scope so you can't modify it in a function
# if you try to print the global variable in function you can do it
# Local
# only accessed/edited by the functions only
# Global
# accessed/edited in global level not in functions
# only accessed by functions but not editable
# if you got something by this example please upvote it
Example 2: local vs global variables
Local variables:
These variables can be used or exist
only inside the function. These variables
are not used or referred by any other function.
Global variables:
These variables are the variables which
can be accessed throughout the program.
Global variables cannot be created
whenever that function is called.