how to make rock paper scissors in javascript code example
Example: rock paper scissors javascript
const tolowerUcFirst = v => v.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + v.slice(1).toLowerCase()
const answer = prompt(
'Do you want to play Rock Paper Scissors? Type yes or no!'
if (answer && ['Y', 'YES'].includes(answer.toUpperCase())) {
let board = ['ROCK', 'PAPER', 'SCISSORS']
let answer = prompt('Rock, Paper, or Scissors?')
if (board.includes(answer.toUpperCase())) {
let them = board[Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)]
let you = answer.toUpperCase()
if (them === you) {
console.log('draw', you, them)
alert(`Draw, they choose ${tolowerUcFirst(them)} too!`)
} else {
if (
(you === 'SCISSORS' && them === 'PAPER') ||
(you === 'PAPER' && them === 'ROCK') ||
(you === 'ROCK' && them === 'SCISSORS')
) {
console.log('you win', you, them)
alert(`You win, they choose ${tolowerUcFirst(them)}!`)
} else {
console.log('you lose', you, them)
alert(`You lose, they choose ${tolowerUcFirst(them)}!`)