how to parse html string in nodejs code example
Example: Manually Parsing HTML in Node.js
This code comes from Vincent Lab
And it has a video version linked here:
// Import dependencies
const fs = require("fs");
const cheerio = require("cheerio");
const cheerioTableparser = require("cheerio-tableparser");
// Get all the filenames from the customers folder
const files = fs.readdirSync("customers");
// All of the parse customers
let customers = [];
// For each file in the customers folder
for (const file of files) {
// The parse customer
let customer = {};
// Get the HTML out of the file
const html = fs.readFileSync(`customers/${file}`).toString();
// Convert the HTML to a cheerio dom element
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
// Run HTML through table parser
// Parse the table and turn it into an array
let table = $("table").parsetable();
// Check if it's format one or format two
if (table[1][2].match(/\d+-\d+-\d+/) !== null) {
// Add the data from the table to the customer object
customer = {
name: table[1][0],
telephone: [table[1][1], table[1][2]],
birthday: table[1][3],
emailAddress: table[1][4],
employment: table[1][5],
vehicle: table[1][6],
bank: table[1][7],
} else {
// Add the data from the table to the customer object
customer = {
name: table[1][0],
telephone: table[1][1],
birthday: table[1][2],
emailAddress: table[1][3],
employment: table[1][4],
vehicle: table[1][5],
bank: table[1][6],
// Add the customer to the customers array
// Save the extracted information to a json file
fs.writeFileSync("customers.json", JSON.stringify(customers));