how to play minceraft code example
Example: how to play minceraft
Once you have loaded up the game,
->click Singleplayer
->create new world
->and just create it! all the default setting are good to start with
->wait for the world to load...
->once you are in, look aound with the cursor/mouse and move with wasd
space to jump, hold left click to mine, left click to atack, right
click to place interact
->the first steps are to punch a tree and gather about 10 logs.
->now go into your inventory (e) and put all your logs in the 2x2
crafting grid, and CTRL+SHIFT click the wood planks into your inventory
->next take 4 wood planks, one in each crafting slot. This will make a crafting
->place the crafting table (rmb) and use it (rmb)
->put 2 planks one ontop of the other in the 3x3 crafting grid
this will create 4 sticks
->next place a line of 3 planks on the top row of the crafting grid
and 2 stiks, one in the middle of the grid and one on the bottom
->this makes a pickaxe, go mine some stone!
->stone is a grey ish block found under dirt/grass, find a small hill and
dig into the side, you will find stone (and maby even some coal!)