how to uninstall nvm on mac code example
Example 1: brew uninstall node
brew uninstall node;
which node;
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/node;
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/;
brew doctor;
brew cleanup --prune-prefix;
Example 2: how to remove nvm
Essentially you'd need to reverse the steps in - remove any nvm lines from ~/.bash_profile (and/or ~/.profile), rm -rf ~/.nvm, and either reopen your shell, or re-source your bash profile.
However, simply removing the nvm commands from your .bash_profile or .profile should be more than sufficient.
someone else said this:
rm -rf ~/.nvm
rm -rf ~/.npm
rm -rf ~/.bower
Example 3: uninstall node
In IOS terminal:
brew uninstall node
Use sudo if ask for permitions