insert at index array javascript code example
Example 1: javascript insert item into array
var colors=["red","blue"];
var index=1;
colors.splice(index, 0, "white");
Example 2: javascript push in specific index
arr.splice(index, 0, item);
inserts "item" at the specified "index",
deleting 0 other items before it
Example 3: insert item into array specific index javascript
myArray.splice(index, 0, item);
Example 4: add elements to an array with splice
var fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = fruits;
function myFunction() {
fruits.splice(2, 0, "Lemon", "Kiwi");
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = fruits;
Example 5: javascript add array to array at index
a1.splice(2, 0, ...a2);
Example 6: add new element by index js
const arr = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
arr[5] = 'Hello, world!';