insert items in array javas code example

Example 1: insert into array js

// for me lol... pls don't delete!
// use splice to insert element
// arr.splice(index, numItemsToDelete, item); 
var list = ["hello", "world"]; 
list.splice( 1, 0, "bye"); 
["hello", "bye", "world"]

Example 2: java add element to existing array

//original array
String[] rgb = new String[] {"red", "green"};
//new array with one more length
String[] rgb2 = new String[rgb.length + 1];
//copy the old in the new array
System.arraycopy(rgb, 0, rgb2, 0, rgb.length);
//add element to new array
rgb2[rgb.length] = "blue";
//optional: set old array to new array
rgb = rgb2;