java define an array code example

Example 1: creating array java

int[] intArray = new int[]{ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 }

Example 2: java array declaration

int[] array = new int[/*size*/];
// Works for double, char, etc.

Example 3: how to declare an array in java

An array is an ordered collection of elements of the same type, identified by a pair of square brackets []. 
 To use an array, you need to:
1. Declare the array with a name and a type. Use a plural name for array, e.g., marks, rows, numbers. All elements of the array belong to the same type.
2. Allocate the array using new operator, or through initialization, e.g.
  int[] marks;  // Declare an int array named marks
              // marks contains a special value called null.
int marks[];  // Same as above, but the above syntax recommended
marks = new int[5];   // Allocate 5 elements via the "new" operator
// Declare and allocate a 20-element array in one statement via "new" operator
int[] factors = new int[20];
// Declare, allocate a 6-element array thru initialization
int[] numbers = {11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66}; // size of array deduced from the number of items

Example 4: array in java

int[] storer = {10,85,62};

Example 5: array in java

//Metodo 1
type nome = new type[n];

//Metodo 2
type nome[];
nome = new type[n];