java what is a superclass code example

Example 1: public class extends java super

public MountainBike(int startHeight, 
                    int startCadence,
                    int startSpeed,
                    int startGear) {
    super(startCadence, startSpeed, startGear);
    seatHeight = startHeight;

Example 2: how to use super class method in java

class Parentclass
   //no-arg constructor
	System.out.println("no-arg constructor of parent class");
   //arg or parameterized constructor
   Parentclass(String str){
	System.out.println("parameterized constructor of parent class");
class Subclass extends Parentclass
       /* super() must be added to the first statement of constructor 
	* otherwise you will get a compilation error. Another important 
	* point to note is that when we explicitly use super in constructor
	* the compiler doesn't invoke the parent constructor automatically.
	System.out.println("Constructor of child class");

   void display(){
   public static void main(String args[]){		
	Subclass obj= new Subclass();