JavaScript Array push() method code example

Example 1: javascript pushing to an array

some_array = ["John", "Sally"];

console.log(some_array); //output will be =>
["John", "Sally", "Mike"]

Example 2: javascript array push

let animals = ["dog","cat","tiger"];

animals.pop(); // ["dog","cat"]

animals.push("elephant"); // ["dog","cat","elephant"]

Example 3: javascript array push

// JS array .push() method

let items_in_backpack = ['food', 'water', 'flashlight', 'GPS']; // Our starting array
items_in_backpack.push('javascript array push knowledge'); // Adds the <<< string to the array items_in_backpack

// Now the array is:
// ['food', 'water', 'flashlight', 'GPS', 'javascript array push knowledge']