jquery find by attribute code example

Example 1: name selector jquery

$('td[name ="tcol1"]')   // matches exactly 'tcol1'
$('td[name^="tcol"]' )   // matches those that begin with 'tcol'
$('td[name$="tcol"]' )   // matches those that end with 'tcol'
$('td[name*="tcol"]' )   // matches those that contain 'tcol'

Example 2: custom attribute jquery selector

$("ul[data-group='Companies'] li[data-company='Microsoft']") //Get all elements with data-company="Microsoft" below "Companies"

$("ul[data-group='Companies'] li:not([data-company='Microsoft'])") //get all elements with data-company!="Microsoft" below "Companies"

Example 3: jquery find by data attribute


Example 4: jquery show hide based on data attribute

            return $(this).data('show') === 'pro';
             return $(this).data('show') === 'home';