JS forEah code example

Example 1: js foreach

var stringArray = ["first", "second"];

myArray.forEach((string, index) => {
  	var msg = "The string: " + string + " is in index of " + index; 
	// Output:
	// The string: first is in index of 0
	// The string: second is in index of 1

Example 2: javascript foreach

let numbers = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four'];

numbers.forEach((num) => {
});  // one   //two //three // four

Example 3: how to use the foreach method in javascript

groceries.forEach(groceryItem => console.log(groceryItem));

Example 4: foreach js

// result.params.detail = {
// "status": true,
// "message": "",
// "params": {
//     "pay_credit_remain": 115,
//     "month_expiry": "15",
//     "detail": [
//         {
//             "credit": "70",
//             "create_date": "2020-10-16",
//             "expiry_date": "2022-01-16"
//         },
//         {
//             "credit": "45",
//             "create_date": "2020-10-17",
//             "expiry_date": "2022-01-17"
//         }
//     ]
// }

detail = "<ul>";
result.params.detail.forEach((val) => {
  detail = detail + sprintf(lang.pay_credit_detail, val.credit, val.expiry_date);
detail += "</ul>";
