js string variable code example

Example 1: how to put variable in string javascript

var myInt = 1
console.log(`my variable is ${myInt}`);
// my variable is 1

Example 2: javascript declare a variable

//choose the best for your solution
var myVariable = 22; //this can be a string or number. var is globally defined

let myVariable = 22; //this can be a string or number. let is block scoped

const myVariable = 22; //this can be a string or number. const is block scoped and can't be reassigned

Example 3: js var in string

// in your string you can call your variable like ${myVar}. eg:
var myVar = "blue";
console.log("The sky is " + myVar + ".");
// Output: "The sky is blue."

Example 4: how to declare variables javascript

//variables are a way to easily store data in javascript
//variables are declared by the var keyword, example...
var x = 10;
var dog_name = "daisy";
//which can also be written as 
var dog_name = 'daisy';
//same thing with single quotes and double quotes

Example 5: how to use string variable in javascript

      <title>JavaScript Strings</title>
         var re = "java";
         var str = "Learn java";
         if ( str.search(re) == -1 ){
            document.write("Not found!" );
         } else {
            document.write("Found!" );