JavaScript Keycode 46 is DEL Function key or (.) period sign?

Decimal or dot key code on keypad is 190.. decimal on numpad is 110.


@Mark Schultheiss' answer is really good, I'll add some more to it: when you need to push the DEL button on the keyboard outside the input element (that is when a text field loses focus) you have to intercept it. This can be done like so:

$("#selector-for-a-textbox, body").keydown(function(event){
     // do something here

110 is the decimal key code, 46 is the DEL key.

For some fun: put this in to see what you hit! EDIT: added a focused event

   /* handle special key press */
$(document).ready(function() {
  function checkAKey(e) {
    var shouldBubble = true;
    switch (e.keyCode) {
      // user pressed the Tab 
      case 9:
          alert("Tab hit, no bubble");
          shouldBubble = false;
        // user pressed the Enter    
      case 13:
        // user pressed the ESC
      case 27:
    /* this propogates the jQuery event if true */
    return shouldBubble;

  $("*").keydown(function(e) {
    return checkAKey(e);



$(document).ready(function() {
  /* handle special key press */
  function checkFieldKey(e, me) {
    var shouldBubble = true;
    switch (e.keyCode) {
      // user pressed the Enter
      case 13:
          shouldBubble = false;
    /* this propogates the jQuery event if true */
    return shouldBubble;
  /* user pressed special keys while in Selector */
  $("#myField").keydown(function(e) {
    return checkFieldKey(e, $(this));