kubectl pod where name like code example

Example 1: kubectl get pods

# Get pods in default namespace
kubectl get pods

#Get Pods in my-namespace
kubectl get pods -n my-namespace

#Get Pods in all namespaces
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Example 2: kubectl run pod

kubectl run <pod-name> --image=<image> --restart=Never

Example 3: why kubectl command not working for describe pod

You've not specified the namespace in your describe pod command.

You did kubectl get all -n minio-operator, which gets all resources in the minio-operator namespace, but your kubectl describe has no namespace, so it's looking in the default namespace for a pod that isn't there.

kubectl describe po -n minio-operator <pod name> should work OK.

Most operations in kubernetes are namespaced, so will require the -n <namespace> argument