Javascript Library - How to draw Family Tree Orgchart or Flowchart?
Found TreantJS - might be helpful.
I found 3 methods able to achieve your requirement:
- BalkanGraph
Reference Link:
- dTree (Based on D3)
Reference Link:
- GoJS Genogram
Reference Link:
I'm having the same problem. Here's what I've found:
Do you have any other solutions?
I tailored a Graphviz dot-file to produce such output. Currently I'm working on a Ruby script to generate this from a .gedcom file.
Here the .dot contents, the nodes with numbers are just dots and flow the edges the right way.
digraph G {
graph [nodesep=0.2,splines=ortho,ranksep=0.05]
node [shape=box,fontname=Helvetica,fontsize=8;color="green",fixedsize=true,width=1,height=0.5,style=filled]
Grandfather [color="lightblue"]
Grandmother [color="pink"]
StephGrandmother [color="pink"]
Father [color="lightblue"]
Mother [color="pink"]
Uncle [color="lightblue"]
Laurent [color="lightblue"]
Child2 [color="lightblue"]
Child3, Child4 [color="pink"]
node[label="", width=0, height=0];
edge[arrowhead=none, color=blue];
StephGrandmother:e -> Grandfather:w
Grandfather:e -> Grandfather1
Grandfather1 -> Grandmother:w
Grandfather1 -> Grandfather2
Grandfather2 -> Father:n
Grandfather2 -> Uncle:n
Father:e -> Father1
Father1 -> Mother:w
Father1 -> Father2
Father2:w -> Laurent:n
Father2:w -> Child2:n
Father2 -> Father3
Father3:e -> Child3:n
Father3:e -> Child4:n